The name's Rogue, but you can call me RS if it tickles your fancy (extra points if the first thing you thought of was RuneScape). I'm a senior at [Working Man's University], graduating with a degree in [Generic Humanities]. I wanted to start a blog because I'm freaking out about graduating, not knowing what comes after school and all. Besides, I like the idea of being able to have a kind of open diary for everyone to read. Yeah, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist like that.
Oh! I'm pretty sex-positive and bisexual with heavy leanings towards the ladies right now, so you have fair warning now if this quickly turns into a sex blog. Also, I'm a huge movie fan. I'll watch any movie, but I only have in-depth knowledge about certain types of movies, which are usually about women or different cultures. Not that I don't love movies about my guys, but I mostly crave to see images of women on the big screen (teehee).
That's all for now I guess. If you have any tips on how I can run this thing better or just want to drop by and say hi, that would be awesome. I'm a major newb, but a warm and fuzzy newb. Like a kitten. A blogging kitten. Yea...
On to TMI Tuesday!
TMI Tuesday: March 6, 2012
The link after the question, is the URL of the blogger that created that TMI Tuesday question(s).
1. November 23, 2010 – Have you ever shared sleeping accommodations with someone of the opposite sex without anything steamy happening? (
Yup, but that's because all my sleeping accommodations have been with other girls. Usually in the same bed. And actually involved sleeping, for at least one of the parties.
2. November 9, 2010 – When it comes to swinging or partner swapping, which would excite you more, watching or being watched? (
Although, my last girlfriend really made me self-conscious about that kind of thing, I still think I'd enjoy being watched more.
3. November 2, 2010 – Would you vote for a candidate caught in a sex scandal?
Depends on the scandal. If a person likes to do X with another consenting adult, then what do I care? But if it has anything to do with kids, then almost certainly not.
4. October 11, 2010 – Do you masturbate to porn, and if so, what is your favorite genre?(
*sheepishly* yes. I really don't have a favorite. It all depends on my mood, but I tend to mostly watch gay porn (except recently, which has all been lesbian porn). But anything that looks like the actress is actually enjoying herself (or, omg, looks like a believable orgasm) is an instant favorite. I'm usually not into anything too violent or kinky though. Although, I have seen some submission porn that was pretty good. Yea, it just depends.
5. September 7, 2010 – What are three mistakes someone could make on the first date with you that would automatically make you turn down a second date with them?(
1) Snobishness or small-mindedness. It's a superiority thing. I'm not saying that if a person has good taste in wine or music or something then I wouldn't go out with them. If that person uses those things as justification for being better than others, then I couldn't go back for a second date.
2) Being too self-centered. I could probably be friends with someone who only wanted to talk about themselves, but I definitely couldn't date that person.
3) Extreme lack of chemistry. Awkwardness is okay. In fact, I'd be more at ease with an awkward date. But if I'm on a date with someone and my mind is wandering on doing laundry the whole time, then it's time to call it quits.
Bonus: Is your sex drive in park, neutral or over-drive. Explain.
Over-drive. It may have something to do with the lack of willing partners in my life, but I've been through the roof with excessive sexual energy lately. Usually, I'm pretty neutral.
How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!
Happy TMI Tuesday!
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